Thursday, May 20, 2010


So a couple of weeks ago, I noticed there was a bird nest in one of my trees. This what not just a nest though, it was a mockingbird nest with 5 egss.........does anyone know what happens when you have a bird nest with eggs in it??? Well the momma and daddy bird go all psycho on you any time you go in the yard. Now I don't like birds to begin with and now that they are flying at my head and wanting to attack my eyeballs.....ok, maybe I'm being a little over dramatic, but seriously. Well, the baby birds have left......kinda. I think they are now making babies of their own and they are getting aggressive again.......what is a girl to do?!?!?!

On another note, I will finally get to be an Aunt next Wednesday. My sister is going to be induced next week and I will have a precious little niece!!! I'm so excited!

That's all for now!

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